Satisfactory school progress is dependent upon regular attendance. Parents are requested to plan vacation trips and absences for personal reasons to correspond with school holidays so that the education process is not disrupted. Moreover, absences for personal reasons and trips result in loss of revenue to the district.
If a student does not attend his/her assigned class or activity and has not obtained teacher approval to be elsewhere, then the absence shall be presumed unexcused. The student will receive a referral to the office and consequences may include, but are not limited to, detention, parent conference, suspension, and/or police involvement.
Reporting Absences
Parents or legal guardians must notify the school of their child’s absence(s) on the day(s) of the absence(s). This applies to both full and partial day absences. Reporting absences can be accomplished by any of the following means:
- Call the 24/7 Attendance Voicemail 510.594.2663 or
- Call Attendance Office directly, Mike Wong 510.594.2678 or
- Provide a written note to office personnel
- Email Attendance Office