by Ernesto Cisneros, 263 pages, Grades 6 and up.
Efrén in some ways is like every middle school kid trying to navigate growing up and becoming a young adult. But, Efrén is also more than just any adolescent; his life is a balancing act. He is the tightrope walker holding a long stick and there are important and precious things on each end of that stick that he has to keep balanced. Efrén needs to be a good student who works hard and gets all of his work in on time, but he also needs to be a good son and take care of his little siblings. Efrén needs to be the best friend to David, but he also needs to prove kids like him can be super - which means he might have to challenge David in the election. These things are important, of course, but the most painful thing that divides him is the fact that he is American but his parents are not yet citizens; this weighs on him and he finds himself trying to balance the love and admiration for his parents with the worry and fear about their immigration status.
Click Here for this book's availability.
If you enjoy books about families in America you might also like Waiting for Normal, by Leslie Connor, Ahmed Aziz’s Epic Year, by Nina Hamza, A Good Kind of Trouble, by Lisa Moore Ramée, or The Boy in the Black Suit, by Jason Reynolds
TAGS: immigration, undocumented immigrant, deportation, families, discrimination, prejudice, siblings, middle school, student elections
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