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Library Research Projects

A Teaching Library

The Piedmont Middle School Library is a TEACHING library. Students at the middle school do research projects a year with their science, history and English classes, and some do research with their elective classes as well. The projects are designed by curricular area teachers and teacher librarians; our collaboration ensures that students are accessing Essential Learning Outcomes of the subject area as well as Information Literacy ELOs. Students do 4 research projects in 6th grade, 6 projects in 7th grade and 7-8 projects in 8th grade (depending on their elective).

Information Literacy is a life skill and will serve students in high school, college and beyond.  Our lessons include research, note-taking and attribution. Research skills include: strategic searching of a nonfiction, searching databases, searching online and verifying the resources they find for reliability! Note-taking skills include: using your own words, using bullets and avoiding complete sentences, making choices about what to include in their notes, creating essential questions to guide their inquiry. Attribution skills begin with citing the author (“according to…”) in their work as sixth graders, to including a Works Cited Document at the end of their work as 7th graders, to doing both of those things and including parenthetical citations in their work as 8th graders.

Of course, our middle school library is also all about reading! If you want to see more about our offerings, please visit our Book Review Blog.

Photo of lLibrary Teachers, Jennifer Gulassa and Carolyn White, and Library Tech., nd Library CLerk, Joy Nieman

Grade Level Projects